It's been months since I've updated my blog. With less than one month to go before I head to Denmark for my exchange, amazingly, I feel nothing. Seeing my friends post about bidding for their desired modules make me feel elated and alienated simultaneously. Finally I can escape the troublesome bidding process for once but I feel like I'm left behind. DTU (Denmark Technical University)'s module-choosing process was very much easier compared to NUS's. I just had to find that module in the system and "check" the box to indicate that I am reading it. Yes, I got it, four modules in total.
Speaking of modules, my results are the same as last semester. My results are always the same. No up, no down. Ok, technically speaking it is decreasing. I dislike the fact that taking UROPS denied me more time for my usual modules, especially Dr Zhao's advanced coordination chemistry. Sigh. Nonetheless, UROPS was my only saving grace for the past semester. Oh well. Looks like I have to suffice with my current CAP. I still remember the hellish days I went through to churn out my thesis. It was OMGWTFBBQ x 10000 experience and I really abhor it. Thankfully I had the kind assistance of a lot of PhD students, especially Min Hwee and my assistant mentor, Akeha. :) Sheau wei really ensured that we (UROPS students) had sufficient equipment to begin synthesis. Now I have no idea if I should continue to be in Prof Hor's lab for my FYP. The only compelling reason for me to go back is that I really do like the people there. On hindsight, I kinda screwed up my synthesis also... So I'm pretty sure even if Prof Hor were to take back, it would not be for my synthesis skills lol.
So many things happened within this short span of a few months. I bought a new camera (Olympus E-PL3) and sold my old (Canon IXUS860IS)! Well actually I bought the camera from someone who did not appreciate the nitty gritty details of a DSLR camera. I like dealing with such people because I think I got the camera from her at a huge discount with ten months of warranty to go. :D
Below is the summary of what I had done over the holidays:
Met up with Terence. Look what medical school has done to Kong. lol.
We ate at Kuru Kuru as introduced by XY. The light made my face rounder than usual.
Kbox with the usual people followed by Coldstone icecream.
Watched Mission Impossible IV with Qi and Kong and proceeded to our fav budget Jap restaurant, Nihon Mura.
Ever since the outlet behind my house closed down for good, I have no where to order cheap takeaway. :(
Hugeass telescope!
We went to the observatory in NUS Physics yesterday. Hong qi was our tour guide for the night and he showed us this movable roof which I thought was way cooler than Mike Posner. We saw Jupiter and its four biggest moons as well as our beloved moon. It was a really cloudy night.